Looking to add more durability and power-producing capability across a broad swath of its products, Vortech Superchargers introduced the first billet gearcase in the company’s history. This robust case is capable of supporting the kind of four-digit horsepower numbers that today’s racers and enthusiasts seek.
We are making it more rigid in order to handle the power. — Jimmy Martz, Vortech
Vortech Superchargers introduced its first billet-gear-case supercharger. This new case design will drive a wide range of blower sizes and support up to 2,500 horsepower.
What really makes this rigid, durable gear case exciting is that it won’t just benefit the big racing compressors. It can also translate to some of the more streetable compressor sizes and even fit into existing kits.
“This V-17 has the large back plate to hold the larger compressor. This will hold the 102 all the way up to the 128, so we are going to do some testing to find the limits of this gear case,” Jimmy explained. “Then we created the V-15, also all billet, but it has the smaller back plate to hold the YSi, but this will also based off the same V-1 to V7 gear case size so it will bolt into the existing V-1, V-2, V-3 and V-7 brackets.”
If you are looking for that classic whirring gear noise under the hood of your hot rod, Vortech is bringing back its original gear-drive design in a new Heritage edition supercharger — the V-3H.
You remember the original V-1 A-Trim? — Jimmy Martz, Vortech
“You remember the original V-1 A-Trim? It was super loud and super grindy,” Jimmy enthused. “Well, everyone wants that sound again, so we came up with the V-3H. This unit is self-lubricated, but goes back to the original gear set from 1990.”
So, Vortech is pushing hard into the future on performance while giving us a blast from the past in terms of sound. For more on these and other new offerings, check out the company’s official site here.