PRI 2018: ProCharger

PRI 2018: ProCharger’s Gear Drive Adds Simplicity And Reliability

Focusing on the “R” in the PRI show, ProCharger had its new supercharger gear-drive units out in force, showcasing their use on a variety of racing engines, from an Ultra Street small-block Ford with an F-1X supercharger, all the way up to a Pro Mod BAE Hemi, with the big-boy F-3X-140 supercharger, making almost 3,500 horsepower.

“It’s a crankshaft-mounted, direct-drive unit. It’s directly mounted to the crankshaft with bushings and couplers, and has a quick-change gearset internally in the unit, and has mounting options for all of our F-series race superchargers,” says ProCharger’s Sergio Shifman.

While Shifman admits that a gear-drive unit by itself isn’t necessarily a new invention, the team at ProCharger have added features into its superchargers that aren’t found in other units on the market. “Our gear changes are a little simpler to perform than some of the others out there. You can change gears with the unit still mounted on the engine. That saves quite a bit of time, and can actually be done between rounds, if necessary,” Shifman says.

Continuing its quest to make its gear drives more user-friendly, the engineers added an accessory drive and a method to turn the engine over, externally. “The accessory drive on the side of the unit allows you to mount a fuel pump, vacuum pump, oil pump, or even a magneto on the unit,” explains Shifman. “There’s also a provision on the backside of the gear drive unit to turn the engine over for valvetrain maintenance or any other engine maintenance that needs to be done.”

With bracketry available for a variety of engine families, the gear drive units will work with any of ProCharger's F-series superchargers. On the right, you can see the accessory drive which provides mechanical power for engine-driven accessories such as fuel pumps, oil pumps, and even magnetos.

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About the author

Greg Acosta

Greg has spent twenty years and counting in automotive publishing, with most of his work having a very technical focus. Always interested in how things work, he enjoys sharing his passion for automotive technology with the reader.
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