SEMA 2014: HP Tuners Has Your Tuning and Track Telemetry Needs Met


Amidst the sea of booths and fellow car enthusiasts to visit at this year’s SEMA show, we were able to spend a few minutes with Jay Payson who expressed to us a number of new things. The first being, “HP Tuners is very excited to now have support for the 2015 Mustangs, including those with blowers and turbochargers. Aside from a number of other applications, we also support 2004-2012 on the Dodge side.”

The new products for HP Tuners continues as Payson explains, “We have actually put together an agreement with Emotion, who offer the In-Gauge and In-Dash which gives us the ability to save tunes into a file format which allows custom tuning for the professional tuner, and subsequently email files back and forth.”

_MG_8341Payson continues, “Finally we have Race Render and Track Addict. Race Render is a PC software package that allows you to take your video as well as your data and overlay the data in images of gauges or other visuals as picture in picture-like steering inputs, pedal inputs or a front car view. Along with GPS capability and an accelerometer, Race Render really approaches a stand alone data acquisition package for both.”

“The Tack Addict is available on the iPhone, and we are now going into Beta for android. It’s right around $9 and fully functional out of the box for both video and GPS, but also accepts wideband input via bluetooth if you wanted to hook up an auxiliary GPS device. WiFi is also available but bluetooth is typically the preferred method,” said Payson.

HP Tuners has a number of awesome products, and now along with their new partnership, continues creating more great tuning and recording solutions. Check out there website listed below!


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About the author

Brent Davis

Brent was born and raised in Southern California. After earning a Bachelors Degree in business marketing from California State University San Marcos, and a project management certificate from the University of California at San Diego, he decided to turn a lifelong passion for automobiles and motorsports into a career. Brent has a specific passion for diesel-powered and all-terrain vehicles that have helped him haul and recover recreational toys over the years.
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