You Can Still Get Your Catalog From H&H Classic Parts

Catalogs mean a lot this time of year. Many of us grew up thumbing through the massive Sears “Wish Book” sent out each year full of Christmas ideas. Still today, many of us peruse through pages of part numbers and illustrations, searching for that magical component that will complete our project. Catalogs serve as a vital connection in our free market. Ultimately, their true value is in supplying us with the parts we need by those who offer them. H&H Classic Parts offers a lot of components for our beloved Bowties, and they’ve produced numerous catalogs to help customers find them. ‘Times are changing’, as they say. You’ll still be able to get those valuable H&H Classic Parts catalogs and all the parts they offer, with only one difference.

Recently, in the H&H Classic Parts December 2024 newsletter, Tray Smith of H&H explained that after much research, and due to a variety of reasons, H&H Classic Parts will no longer produce its catalogs with ink and paper. Tray explained that for the first time in the company’s 37-plus year history, they will not be sending physical catalogs, beginning in 2025.

“As many of you know, everything in our world continues to rise in cost,” Tray explains. “This is the same for us at H&H. Cost of paper, printing, shipping, and postage continues to rise.”

Tray goes on to explain that this decision isn’t solely based on costs. The folks at H&H have done a very detailed study on the catalogs they have sent to customers over the past 12 months. Tray shares their findings, and their reasoning for stopping the presses.

“With the catalogs that we mail out, we have received as little as 4 percent return on people buying products,” he said. “We have also gotten back as little as 8 percent of people buying more products when we ship them a catalog with their order. However, those that we do not ship one, who either call in or use the website, are more likely to buy again, as much as over 40 percent of the time.”

Tray does assure us that H&H will still be producing catalogs for Camaro, Chevelles, Impalas, Novas, Tri-Fives, and Chevy trucks, and customers can still get their beloved catalogs. H&H Classic Parts catalogs have always been available on the company’s website, and they will continue to be made available for printing or viewing online. Customers can also download their desired catalog and continue shopping as they always have.

Customers can also give H&H a call and order a free flash drive with all six H&H Classic Parts catalogs that you can view on your computer at your leisure. Tray understands that change is not always easy, but assures H&H’s loyal customers that this required change is an opportunity to invest back into the company, its products, and the H&H family of employees.

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About the author

Andy Bolig

Andy has been intrigued by mechanical things all of his life and enjoys tinkering with cars of all makes and ages. Finding value in style points, he can appreciate cars of all power and performance levels. Andy is an avid railfan and gets his “high” by flying radio-controlled model airplanes when time permits. He keeps his feet firmly grounded by working on his two street rods and his supercharged C4 Corvette. Whether planes, trains, motorcycles, or automobiles, Andy has immersed himself in a world driven by internal combustion.
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