Recap: Precision Turbo And Turbonetics Boosted Bash Car Show


Summer time is finally upon us, and with it comes car show season. Hot summer days are often followed by cool(er) summer nights cruising your favorite hang outs with people that share your same passion—sometimes there’s even the occasional trip to Mexico. There’s nothing quite like it, and anyone who isn’t a gear head likely won’t understand. However, if you’ve got gears on the brain like we do, there isn’t a better way to spend a Saturday. And while there are a ton of shows to visit or participate in throughout the year, we decided to kick our season off with the Turbonetics and Precision Turbo Boosted Bash—and boy are we happy we did.

As you may know, Precision Turbo & Engine and Turbonetics are two of the most widely recognized turbo companies in the industry. And, for the first time ever, they decided to join forces in order to put on the inaugural Boosted Bash. In past years, the event is actually Turbonetics’ product discount warehouse sales event, where you can usually find some kick-ass deals on snails, waste gates, and other turbo components. For 2017, however, Turbonetics decided to kick it up a notch by teaming up with the guys over at Precision and putting on one hell of a car show.

If you didn’t happen to make it out, be sure to put it on your calendar for next year because you aren’t going to want to miss it. The event was held at Turbonetics new HQ in Moorpark, California and even the guys from Street Outlaws showed up to meet fans and help judge the car show. FarmTruck, AZN, Dominator, and even Tina Pierce were on hand signing autographs, taking pictures, and making fan’s dreams come true.

If that wasn’t enough, In-N-Out Burger was on hand serving free lunch and Shave It was also handing out free shaved ice—yep, free. Oh yeah, did we mention the show is free, too? Crazy. But not only was there a lot of shiny sheet metal in the parking lot, Turbonetics was also giving tours of their facility and even hosting turbo seminars where attendees could ask their most burning turbo questions to a panel of Turbonetic and Precision engineers—try finding that at any other car show (and no your buddy that is “on the forums a lot” doesn’t count).

Turbonetics boosted fifth-gen Camaro was a real attention grabber.

But that’s enough about the awesome services available at the car show, let’s get down to the important part: the cars themselves. On of the most eye-grabbing things we happened to run across just so happened to not be LS-powered at all—we know, blaspheme—but we think it’s something most musclecar fans can appreciate; a Grand National.


Now, this isn’t your average GN either. The car had been gone over with a fine-toothed come from stem to stern and has a stance you don’t normally see on Buick’s fire breather. The most controversial topic was the wheels. They were a little large for our liking, but we really dug the massive six-piston brakes sitting behind them with “Grand National” engraved into their surface.

Nelson Racing Engines (NRE) was also on hand with a couple of examples of their latest turbo LS engine that drew quite the crowd. They also had their stealthy fifth-gen on hand showing off their subtle build. On the outside, the Camaro looks like a 100 percent stock fifth-gen; you would never guess that a 1,000+ horsepower twin-turbo 427 LS is lurking under the hood. However, even with the hood up, everything in the engine bay almost looks like it was there from the factory—which is exactly what they were shooting for.


And, while it’s not LS powered either, Dominc Torreto’s Cuban ride from Fast and Furious 8 was parked inside Turbonetics as well. Though the car may be more show than go, it was still a cool piece of automotive history to take a gander at.


Overall, Boosted Bash was a great way to kick off the car show season and celebrate all things turbocharged. Precision and Turbonetics will be back at it again next year so put it on your calendar now. Same time same place.

About the author

Chase Christensen

Chase Christensen hails from Salt Lake City, and grew up around high-performance GM vehicles. He took possession of his very first F-body— an ’86 Trans Am— at the age of 13 and has been wrenching ever since.
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