The Goliath High-Pressure Fuel Pump From Katech

When it comes to unlocking the true potential of your Gen V LT engine, fuel flow limitations can be a major roadblock. The stock mechanical fuel pump often struggles to keep up with power upgrades, but the Katech Goliath High-Pressure Fuel Pump is here to change the game. This meticulously engineered, modular solution has already proven itself by supporting over 1,500 horsepower on gasoline and 1,300 horsepower on E85 in Katech’s rigorous in-house testing.

Katech Goliath High Pressure Fuel Pump

With the Goliath, you can say goodbye to the fuel flow limitations holding you back. Katech is here to save the day.

The Goliath pump is more than just a Katech product; it’s the result of a powerhouse partnership with Stanadyne. As a globally recognized leader in fuel system technology, Stanadyne brought its vast expertise to the table. The collaboration ensured the Goliath would meet the highest standards of quality, reliability, and performance. This pump isn’t just about making power; it’s about consistency and dependability when you need it most.

The Goliath pump boasts a 12mm bore size and up to 220-bar operating pressure, making it the perfect match for aggressive builds. Its improved spring design ensures performance even at extreme RPMs. Unlike OEM and competing pumps that can struggle to keep up, the Goliath’s enhanced volumetric efficiency means it can keep up with cam lifts over 8mm. Whether you’re on the track or tearing up the streets, the Goliath has your back.

The wait is almost over. Originally announced at PRI in 2022, we are less than a month away from seeing this thing out in the wild. Preorders are set to ship in August, so be sure to check out the early bird special that Katech is running and get yours ordered today. Don’t miss your chance to be among the first to unlock the true potential of your Gen V LT engine with the Goliath.

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About the author

Caecey Killian

I’d rather spend a night in the garage than a night out on the town. With over 10 years of experience building cars and going fast, I am still just as excited to keep learning and keep going faster.
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