An LS-Swapped Buick Really Does Make For The Ultimate Sleeper


You know there’s the vehicles you always see with LS swaps– there’s the rotaries; Mazda RX7s, RX8s, the drift machines; Nissan 240sxs, 350zs, then the couple other usual suspects; Honda S2000s, Miatas, etc. But there’s always the few people that want to make the ultimate sleeper and throw our favorite V8s into Crown Vics, Mini Coopers (yes, we’ve seen an LS swapped Mini) and, in this case, Buicks.

We were doing our usual few minute long peek through the updates on Engine Swap Depot’s site, which always proves itself entertaining. Every once in a while, we come across some badass LS swap builds– Today was one of those days.

1964 Buick Sport Wagon with an LS6

First thing’s first, though– our favorite: the 1964 Buick Sport Wagon. Just the fact that this thing is holding an LS6 is awesome enough, but the fact that its a wagon makes it that much more cool to us. The owner bought it as an easy project, with plans to just fix it, get it to a reliable state, and simply drive it. But, as you probably figured, this mindset didn’t last very long– it started with cleaning the undercarriage, painting it, new disc brakes, and a 359 cubic inch V8. About two years later, after getting the car looking and performing to his specifications, the owner opted for an LS6.

1965 Buick Riviera with an LSA

The other two good ones we came across were a ’87 Buick Grand National and a beautiful ’65 Riviera. Inside both cars sits an LSA, but the Grand National took it up a notch with not only just a supercharger, also with two 57 mm Garrett turbochargers. You can read more about it here.

1986 Buick Grand National with a twincharged LSA


About the author

Jenna Schiebe

Jenna’s addiction to all things automotive began soon after she was introduced to the car scene at age 16. She has a special interest in imports but, at the end of the day, is a enthusiast that loves anything that goes fast.
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