Project Honey Badger
Lsxmag Projects

2000 CHEVY CORVETTE: Project Honey Badger

Project Honey Badger is a continuation of Project Y2K. Unfortunately, the tragic circumstances of the car’s previous owner saw the car sit, untouched, for the past six years. Now, under new stewardship, the car will live on. There is enough shift in the focus of the project to justify it becoming an entirely new project. While Project Y2K provided a stellar base upon which to build, Project Honey Badger will be more aligned with what Corvettes are traditionally aimed at: turning. However, the true ultimate goal with the car is to just have fun, regardless of what anyone else thinks. As the meme says, Honey Badger don’t care.



Project Build summary Build thread

Project Specs

Vehicle: 2000 Corvette Coupe
Engine: LS1 with COMP camshaft, Kooks long tube headers, BBK SSI intake, Callaway cold air
Power Adder: Nitrous Express plate system
Drivetrain: Factory Tremec T-56, Centerforce DYAD dual disc clutch, RPM differential
Electronics: Lingenfelter timing control
Suspension: Pfadt coilover conversion and sway bars

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