Video: “Craigslist Camaro” Redefines Budget Building

If you’re a car enthusiast, then you should be well familiar with the term “budget built.” Everybody wants to go fast for not a whole lot of money, and in this current economic climate, we can definitely identify with that. To many, it’s not about how much money you spent, but how you reach your performance goals.

We just ran across this video of an LS1 Camaro dubbed the “Craigslist Camaro” on YouTube. In reading the comments and description, we learn that the car gets its name from the fact that it was bought, built, and put together entirely on a secondhand budget. In fact, everything was sourced from that popular classified website, Craigslist.

The fourth-gen comes packed with relatively few modifications that get it down the ‘strip. A 100 dry shot, an aftermarket cam and a torque converter are the biggest mods that this car is equipped with, and it has all of the bolt-ons you would typically find on a fourth-gen F-body.

If you know your LS1 engine tech like we do, then you won’t be that surprised by the results. However if you are a rookie, how does 10.63 at 126.85 in the 1320′ grab you?

But what makes this car so particularly intriguing is that it was purchased for the can’t believe it price of $2800, plus whatever odds and ends were scavenged through Craigslist. Now that’s impressive!

Watch the video and see for yourself. It proves that a lot can be accomplished with the right amount of research and technical know-how in these cash-strapped times.

The scoreboard doesn't lie. That would be a 10.63 at 126.85. Not bad for a Craigslist Camaro with nothing more than a camshaft, 100hp shot of spray, and a stall converter.

About the author

Rick Seitz

Being into cars at a very early age, Rick has always preferred GM performance cars, and today's LS series engines just sealed the deal. When he's not busy running errands around town in his CTS-V, you can find him in the garage wrenching on his WS6 Trans Am, or at the local cruise spots in his Grand National.
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