C6 Goes Down In Flames – Yet Another Street Race Ends In Disaster

It can’t be stressed enough- Keep drag racing on the strip! Far too many lives and cars are ruined due to irresponsible driving. According to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) statistic, over 1,000 illegal racing-related deaths were reported between 2001-2008, and 49 of every 1,000 people who participate in street racing become fatalities.

For decades, car accidents, in general, have been one of the leading causes of death in the States. According to the most recent statistics available, there were over 30,000 motor vehicle deaths in the U.S. in 2013; why make regular driving any more dangerous than it has to be?

Racing on public roads and highways puts everyone at risk, not just those involved in the race. Luckily for the drivers in this video, there was no collateral. Both drivers walked away relatively unharmed thanks to the safety features that the video mentioned, with the only casualty being their 800-horsepower C6.

The race’s aftermath alone should serve as reason enough to keep your races off public streets. Unlike on a track or drag strip, which is purpose-built and regularly maintained for the sole function of providing a safe racing environment, regular roads and highways are home to an innumerable amount of hazards ranging from pedestrians and other vehicles to potholes and debris. There are significantly more variables involved in racing on a highway or rural road than on a track.

These two Corvettes figured that out the hard way when they passed over the dip seen in the video, causing the camera-car to lose track and careen into the divider. It’s likely that neither driver was aware of the dip until after they’d soared over it, once again pointing to the risks involved with racing on roads not designed for such high speeds.

For those who choose to illegally street race, if your life and the lives of those around you aren’t a concern, at least have enough respect for your machine not to endanger it like this. Don’t let your beloved ride, and potentially yourself, end up like this ‘Vette crumpled and burned on the side of the freeway.

150MPH Crash 02

About the author

Joshua Phillips

Josh has always been captivated by cars, from legendary classics and late-model American muscle to European supercars.
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