SEMA 2024: Show-Worthy Single Turbo 2,000 HP Cadillac CTS-V

The 2024 SEMA Show in Las Vegas is one of the greatest showcases of automotive creativity, and a car that caught the eyes of people was an ordinary-looking 2010 Cadillac CTS-V. What really surprised them was the content under its hood. It is a beast of a machine with a single turbo setup and a mind-boggling 2,000 horsepower.

Cadillac CTS-V

This special build, masterminded by Marco and his team at MG Fab in Bakersfield, California, challenges the saying that high performance is to be bought at the cost of practicality. “It’s a 2010 V2 single turbo setup which makes about 2,000 horsepower,” Marco said of the car’s incredible power output.

What really puts this CTS-V into its own category, however, is its dedication to being true to its roots. “Stock interior. Everything is still in function. Power windows, the whole nine,” he added, highlighting that the car remains fully functional for use on the road.

Cadillac CTS-V

MG Fab went to great lengths to preserve the car’s original structure.  “All steel, All Glass… nothing has been cut out… all original,” Marco stated. The interior remains completely stock, while under the hood, the car has undergone a complete transformation.

MG Fab fabricated the turbo kit, plumbing, and wiring, along with the fuel tanks and suspension. “We pretty much built the entire car… fuel tanks, suspension… the whole nine,” Marco said, showing the extent of their hard work.

Cadillac CTS-V

The team’s pursuit of performance is evident in their choice of components. The car now sports a powerful LS 427 engine running on methanol, and they recently upgraded to titanium up-pipes and an aluminum charge pipe. “Replaced with all titanium and the rest of it has been there for a while,” Marco noted, suggesting a commitment to continuous improvement.

Cadillac CTS-V

This is a unique Cadillac CTS-V, with its sleeper and monstrous power, all courtesy of the creativity and expertise of the MG Fab team. It shows how possible it is to achieve extreme performance without sacrificing the original look of the car.

Its combination of power, practicality, and creativity would certainly catch the attention of car enthusiasts and casual observers alike, hence being one of the most memorable classic cars at the 2024 SEMA Show.

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