PRI 2023: RC Components Showcases, Expands New Impulse Wheel Design

rc components, impulse wheel

RC Components, a renowned manufacturer of drag racing and muscle car wheels, has continued to add new offerings in its already-popular new Impulse wheel design, including beadlock and non-beadlock Comp Series drag rears, as well as within the Street Fighter series.

The Impulse added a contemporary flair to the company’s sleek wheel collection when the design first launched in October. The Impulse line, part of RC’s Comp Series for drag racing and automotive applications, is available in Polished, Eclipse (black with raw Aluminum), Solid Black, Chrome, and Eclipse Prism (black with polished aluminum) finishes. The rear wheel center is offered in various offsets, including the “Deuce”, which incorporates a 2-inch offset into the wheel center. Rear wheels are accessible in sizes ranging from 15 x 8 inches to 16 x 16 inches, while front wheels can be obtained in sizes from 15 x 3.5 inches to 17 x 4.5 inches. Beadlock and non-beadlock options are available for the rear wheels.

The Impulse Street Fighter (top right) is the freshest addition to the lineup.

The Street Fighter, RC’s line of lightweight, two-piece street/strip wheels with both patterns for many late-model muscle car applications, is now available in Impulse front and rear. The fronts can optioned in 17×5, 17×7, and 18×5 sizes, with a wide range of bolt patterns and backspacing. The rears come in 15×10, 17×10, and 17×11 sizes, with several bolt patterns, backspacing, and the option to add a single beadlock.

Explore RC Components’ complete range of automotive wheels, including the RC Comp series race wheels, Street King and Street Fighter series, and the new F5 one-piece forged 16 x 16 wheels on their website.

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About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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