PRI 2024: C7 Corvette Delrin and Bearing Bushings

If you’re a C7 Corvette owner, you already know how exceptional the car is. It was the last front-engine Corvette generation and went out swinging with some of the best handling characteristics of a rear wheel drive sports car. But as these machines age, certain parts — like the factory rubber bushings — start to wear out, leaving room for improvement. Enter BMR Suspension’s Delrin and bearing control arm bushing kits, two upgrades that can breathe new life into your Corvette’s suspension.

Let’s start with Delrin bushings. These are crafted from a tough, high-performance polymer that outlasts and outperforms rubber and polyurethane. They’re firm enough to sharpen your suspension’s response but still forgiving enough to keep your ride street-friendly. Think of Delrin as the perfect balance — great for anyone who wants a tighter, more connected driving experience without making big sacrifices in comfort.

c7 corvette delrin busings closeup

Then, there are the spherical bearings — a true game-changer for enthusiasts who push their cars to the limit. Built with a self-lubricating Teflon liner, they reduce friction to allow your suspension to move more freely and precisely. They’re stiffer, stronger, and better suited for the track, where every fraction of a second counts. Yes, they’re more complex to install, but the payoff is incredible: improved handling, more precise movement, and bulletproof durability.

Brandon Canny from BMR shared that even with spherical bearings on a C7 running Hoosier slicks, the car handled road noise surprisingly well — a nod to Chevrolet’s engineers and the Corvette’s excellent chassis.

Here’s the bottom line: whether you’re looking to reclaim lost performance or take your car to a whole new level, these upgrades have you covered. BMR’s Delrin bushings are perfect for spirited street driving, while their spherical bearings are ideal for the track-focused driver. With stock parts becoming harder to find, rebuilding your suspension with BMR’s solutions is a smart move for today and tomorrow.

Your Corvette deserves the best—why not give it just that?

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