PRI 2024: Kooks New Active Exhaust Systems For Modern Muscle Cars

The 2024 PRI Show saw Kooks Headers and Exhaust announce its plans to introduce a fresh set of active exhaust systems, mainly for highly popular performance automobiles, early next year. “We’re about to launch a whole entire line [of active exhausts] for different vehicles, including the Mustang GT, the Camaro, and the Blackwing as well,” said Georgia Kryssing. She also mentioned that development for a system compatible with the C8 Corvette is underway.

Each exhaust system will come in two distinct configurations: “We have two different versions; a Touring version and a Shotgun version,” Kryssing stated. The Shotgun version provides a louder sound, similar to a straight-pipe setup. The Touring version focuses on reducing unwanted drones, offering a more refined experience. “If you want to cut down drone as much as possible, you’re going to want to go with the Touring compared to the Shotgun version,” Kryssing added. Customers can choose from different tip finishes, including carbon fiber, black, and polished.

These new exhaust systems also complement the existing components of a vehicle allowing for smooth integration with a vehicle’s existing controls. Kooks will offer both axle-back and cat-back exhaust setups. For example, the Mustang GT can have both options. For the Blackwing, an axle-back version will be available initially, with a cat-back version potentially coming in the future. “For the Mustang GT, we did a cat-back, and the Blackwing we just did an axle-back. It’s based on what the majority of people are more in need of,” Kryssing clarified regarding the different configurations.

“The C6 Z06 will release January 1st, and that’ll be the first of our active exhaust systems that we’re launching,” Kryssing announced, giving a concrete release date. The schedule for launching the other models will follow. The Mustang GT system will likely be next, then the Camaro. The company will finalize the release schedule for the other models later.

Shotgun exhaust

Kooks Headers and Exhaust was out at the #prishow showing off their active exhaust! These are some of the nicest kits you can buy!!! #ford #mustang #fordmuscle #mustangweek #pri

Posted by on Wednesday, December 18, 2024

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