PRI 2024: MAHLE’s New F-Series Bearings Deliver Superior Performance


When it comes to your engine, every part matters. That’s why the new MAHLE F-series bearings are such a big deal. Designed to outperform the standard H-series, they bring two major upgrades that directly improve durability, cooling, and lubrication — key factors in keeping your engine running smoothly.

The first game-changer is the C2 coating. Made from lead-tin-aluminum and indium, this advanced material boosts seizure resistance by an incredible 126 percent over the H-series. It even edges out the previous HC-coated bearings with an eight- to ten-percent improvement. For high-performance engines, this means less wear, better protection under stress, and longer-lasting components.

mahle f series bearings on table

The second innovation is the ramp and pad design, which takes oiling to the next level. By strategically directing oil across the bearing surface, it improves cooling and load-carrying capacity. The result? A 93-percent increase in load capacity compared to the H-series. This feature especially benefits the thrust face, ensuring critical areas get the oil they need to handle extreme pressures and temperatures.

These bearings aren’t just about better specs — they’re built for real-world applications. Available now for small-block LS and big-block engines, the F-series bearings are ready to deliver serious reliability and performance. And more applications are on the way, with new designs already in testing.

For anyone upgrading their engine, the F-series bearings offer more than peace of mind — they provide a tangible edge in durability and performance. Whether you’re building for the street or the track, these bearings represent the next evolution in engine technology. Don’t just maintain your engine — future-proof it with solutions designed to handle whatever you throw its way.

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