PRI 2024: One-Piece Forged Wheel by RC Components

At the 2024 PRI Show, RC Components is expanding its product offerings with its latest release: a one-piece forged wheel made of aluminum. Their new wheel is available in 15-inch diameters and widths ranging from 15×10 to 15×16. RC Components’ new wheel is designed to handle the increasing power and performance of modern vehicles.


“As horsepower grows, this is what everyone’s going to want because it is just stronger and it’s lighter,” RJ Cutler explains. This design was created with a more rigid structure that can handle the stresses of high-performance driving better. As a bonus, it also results in significant weight savings: each wheel is a full two to two and a half pounds lighter than the comparable two-piece version in RC’s Comp series.


The new wheel is machined from a single piece of aluminum, eliminating the welded joints found in traditional two-piece wheels. “Basically, on any other welded together wheel, you got your inner and outer hoops welded together, and then the center is bolted into that,” Cutler says.


The one-piece forged wheel will be available in several backspacing options to ensure proper fitment for a variety of vehicles and applications. Enthusiasts will be pleased to know it will be offered in all of RC Components’ popular designs RC Components will continue using its unique beadlock tooth design. “They are done the same way as our other beadlocks. Our beadlock teeth grab differently than some of the other designs out there,” explains Cutler



With its focus on strength, lightweight, and style, the new one-piece forged wheel from RC Components is destined to be a performance game-changer. More news about pricing and availability is in the works, so make sure to check out their website for future updates.

One-Piece Forged Wheel by RC Component

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