PRI 2024: ProCharger’s New, Compact Air-to-Water Intercooler

Engine bay space can be a precious commodity, especially in high-performance builds. ProCharger addresses this challenge with its latest innovation: a new air-to-water intercooler integrated directly into an intake manifold.

“We learned a lot when we were developing this low-profile intake manifold for the ProCharger C8 Corvette convertible kit and thought, you know, it would make a really great packaging solution for people with tight spaces,” explained Karen from ProCharger.

In this new system, the air-to-water intercooler is included within the intake manifold. The whole assembly is CNC-machined from billet to ensure both precision and strength. This design also has modularity as one of its key features.

ProCharger Superchargers Intercooler

While designed originally for Gen-V LT and LS engines, ProCharger has moved this innovative application to applications for a variety of other engines. “Because of the modularity, we were easily able to get it to fit on the Gen-V LT as well as the LS-based engines. On top of that, we’re coming out with units for small-block Chevy, big-block Chevy, and small-block Fords. It’s just a wonderful, low-profile solution for people in each genre,” Karen commented.

The flexibility of the product is a huge advantage and allows it to be used across various platforms.”This is a wonderful, powerful solution. We rated it up to 1,200 horsepower,” Karen continued. The company will test the system further to determine its potential. The initial 1,200 horsepower rating proved sufficient for the C8 application, but ProCharger expects a higher rating after further evaluation.



“Right now it’s rated for 1,200 horsepower, but that’s only because we haven’t really pushed the limits. But we are super excited to really push the limits in the coming months and see just how far it’s going to be able to be rated,” Karen added.

This statement presumes that there is scope for even better future performance. The ProCharger’s new air-to-water intercooler is a compact, yet versatile and powerful choice to the market for a variety of engines. Its future seems bright and only time will tell how far beyond its current 1,200 horsepower rating this innovative, space-saving air-to-water intercooler will be able to support.

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