SEMA 2017: Restoration Parts Unlimited Shows Off Their Newest Pieces

Restoration Parts Unlimited Inc. (RPUI), is a major manufacturer of classic vehicle parts. With their extensive library of parts available, we’re sure they have what you need. “We are a company with five entities and seven brands,” Kyle Pfirrman, the director of marketing for RPUI, explained. While at the Trim Parts area of their booth, we found a few examples of new products that they’ve released in the last three weeks. “This is the largest release that we’ve done in the last seven years for the business, and honestly we’re just getting started.”

Emblems are typically a must-have item for any restoration, because they degrade like any other part on your car, they're fragile, and they're small. If you're restoring a car or truck, finding those last few emblems could be the hardest part of the project! Thanks to RPUI, in most cases, you no longer have to work to source usable originals.

At RPUI, they’re working on expanding into new product areas, like wheel center caps. Corvette pieces are currently the largest section of their catalog, and they’ve got eight new products they just released just for America’s sports car.

These are the ’76-’81 wheel caps the just released.

Most of the new badging that they are releasing is truck stuff, but they also have a huge list of other parts coming out in the near future. That list, however, is top secret for now, so we’ll have to keep an eye out to see what they come out with over the next couple of months.

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About the author

Kyler Lacey

A 2015 Graduate from Whitworth University, Kyler has always loved cars. He grew up with his dad's '67 Camaro in the garage and started turning wrenches at a young age. At seventeen, he bought his first classic, a '57 Chevy Bel Air four-door, and has since added a '66 Plymouth Valiant and '97 Cadillac Deville to his collection. When he isn't writing for Power Automedia, he's out shooting pictures at car shows, hiking in the forests of the beautiful Pacific Northwest, or working on something in the garage.
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