SEMA 2015: Vortech Shows Off Its LS Swap Supercharger Kit

There's just something about a centrifugal supercharger that we love. Maybe how shiny it is?

There’s just something about a centrifugal supercharger that we love. Maybe how shiny it is?

Vortech Superchargers has always had one goal to accomplish. That goal is to make the world a better, fast place…with boost. Check out how the company is advancing its supercharger technology at this year’s SEMA show in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Vortech-104We first spoke with Brian Ellis of Vortech Superchargers. Ellis says that the company now offers LSx swap-specific components. He comments, “There are multiple kits available, which are specifically designed for an enthusiast swapping a LS engine into another car. We’ve designed this package to accommodate both an EFI or a carbureted application. As of now, the package is specific to the LS engine’s front-engine accessory-drive, from the C5 Corvette for example.”

Vortech-112Ellis also comments that the company is currently developing a front-engine accessory-drive from GM truck engines .This will lower the cost of adding a supercharged LS to any swap project.

Since this kit utilizes all of the same components as Vortech’s other packages, enthusiasts still retain the ability to swap head-units to make more power.Jimmy Martz from Vortech also adds, “We’re currently testing race-specific applications on racecars.” Martz also adds that Vortech has even built drag-racing specific packages and head-units for specific applications, such as Street Outlaws.

Check out this cut-away of a Vortech supercharger

Martz closes with the company’s plans to innovate some of their latest supercharger packages, including new centrifugal supercharger designs, new impeller designs, and more. The company also has some new technology in the works, which they plan to reveal in the near future. We tried begging Martz for details, but unfortunately, he had to decline.

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About the author

Harrison Noble

Living in San Diego for most of his life, Harrison was exposed to a variety of cars at an early age. His passion for anything that is fast, or has a V8, brought him to Power Automedia.
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