SEMA 2016: Magnaflow Has You Covered From Engine To Tailpipe

20161104_084337Magnaflow has been in the business of developing off-the-shelf and custom exhaust systems for everything from your daily driver to a purpose built race machine. While wandering the halls of the 2016 SEMA Show, we met Richard Waitas of Magnaflow, and learned a little more about what the company has to offer for 2017.

“This year Magnaflow is displaying a variety of different vehicles at our booth, just to give everyone an idea of the vast variety of applications we cover,” says Waitas.


One of those vehicles was this awesome widebody Mustang. “This vicious twincharged build was custom made from the ground up,” explains Waitas. “It features a few turbos that feed directly into a Magnuson supercharger, before finally being forced into a 5.0L engine and making well over 1,000 horsepower.”


Behind the monster Mustang, sat some toys a little more tame. “You’ll see our widebody BMW and a Jeep JK featuring your typical size lift for this model and 40-inch tires,” said Waitas. “Magnaflow’s goal is to offer a product for everything from your average street driven vehicle to your most outrageous custom build, on road or off. 2017 brings us several technological advancements, with the introduction of 5-valve and other multivalve systems, however, you will still find the same stainless steel offerings in a range of different styles from our black series to even our more common polished stainless steel.”

“At the end of the day, Magnaflow just wants to make sure we have our customers covered from engine to tailpipe,” Waitas concludes.



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About the author

Kyle Kitchen

Born and raised in Southern California, Kyle has been a gearhead ever since seeing his first Mitsubishi Evo VIII in 2003. He is almost entirely self taught mechanically, and as an inexperienced enthusiast always worked on his own vehicles, regardless of the difficulty, just to learn how to do it himself. Prior to becoming a freelance writer for the company, Kyle started his automotive performance career with Power Automedia as a shop technician, where he gleaned intimate knowledge of LS platforms and drag racing builds; then later joining the editorial team as the Staff Writer for EngineLabs And Turnology. Today, Kyle is an experienced EFI calibrator; hot rod builder; and motorsports technician living in the San Jose area. Kyle is a track junkie with lots of seat time. You can usually find him racing his Mitsubishi Evo X in local time attack and road race events.
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