SEMA 2016: Powerteq Introduces Predator2 For Simple Tuning

PowerteqSEMA2016-03DiabloSport is one of those companies that lives on the very edge of electronics when it comes to tuning. We caught up with them this year to find out that one of the more user-friendly tuners, the DiabloSport Predator is coming back and making tuning even simpler.

The Predator2 is updated to a color screen with easier controls, and a simple user interface with five buttons, allowing to scroll through and select choices. They took the best features and expanded upon them for the Predator 2.

PowerteqSEMA2016-06DiabloSports Dan Dolan said, “It’s like a wolf in sheeps clothing, it’s completely redone from the ground up.” Replacing the old serial interface is a modern USB connection, and they did away with the old power supply that was necessary on first gen models.

Tuning For Virtually Any Vehicle

DiabloSport is now part of Powerteq, which combines Superchips, Edge, and DiabloSport to make for a tuning powerhouse which provides something for just about all modern vehicles, be it gas or diesel, truck or car.

DiabloSport is the known tuner for many modern musclecars, while Edge is a great choice for the diesel and truck market. For Jeeps, Superchips has been a successful choice, however, as Category Manager Matt Barker explained to us, there is some crossover in brands to other vehicles. But it’s great to have a choice when it comes to plugging in and tuning your modern vehicle.

Two products we were shown include DiabloSport’s Sprint and Marathon tuners for entry level GM vehicle tuning. Each unit runs under $200 and is designed around the active fuel management module. The Sprint is designed for maximum performance, turning off the four-cylinder function, while the Marathon is more for economy and allows extended four-cylinder mode. Both plug directly into the OBD II port for simple plug and play operation.

Find out more about these tuners at the DiabloSport website, and for the full line check out the Powerteq website for DiabloSport, Edge, and Superchip tuners.

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About the author

Michael Harding

Michael is a Power Automedia contributor and automotive enthusiast who doesn’t discriminate. Although Mopar is in his blood, he loves any car that looks great and drives even faster.
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