SEMA 2018: Granatelli Motor Sports Universal Exhaust Cutout Kits

In a perfect world, you could roll around in your high-performance vehicle with the exhaust wide open allowing your engine to sing its amazing hymns of horsepower without a care. But we live in a world filled with laws that don’t allow this. Fortunately, Granatelli Motor Sports has a solution that lets you open your exhaust up at-will with their Universal Exhaust Cutout Kit.

Granatelli’s kits are made from high-quality 304 stainless steel and come in 2.5-, 3.0-, and 4.0-inch sizes to fit a wide variety of exhaust systems. The butterfly plates and shafts are made of stainless steel and use a V-band clamp that lets you rotate the turndowns 360 degrees. To combat actuator-motor failure issues, Granatelli developed their “Smart Chip” system that uses one-touch operation on the rocker switch. This feature allows the motor to open the cutout without the user having to hold down the switch and possibly damaging the internal gears.

Users are able to direct where the exhaust gases are expelled using the supplied 45-degree discharge turndowns in the kit. To make sure the cutout fully opens, Granatelli uses a DC motor with high-torque capabilities and a gear-reduction internally. Large gears are used in the drive unit that are made from carbon steel to help prevent gear failures.

The Universal Exhaust Cutout Kits are offered with oval exhaust cutouts in single, or complete sets. The electronic and manual exhaust cutouts can be purchased in stainless or mild steel, with the options of a weld-in or slip fit.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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