SEMA 2019: LS Swaps Made Easy With Edelbrock Pro-Flo Harness System

Tackling an engine swap using one of GM’s LS-based mills has been made easy with all of the different swap kits on the market. But how do you deal with the bulky wiring harness and factory ECU? Edelbrock has simplified the swap process with their junkyard wiring harness and Pro-Flo 4 system that eliminates the need for the factory ECU and wiring harness.

The Edelbrock harness only provides the core items you need for a basic engine swap like a MAF connection, coolant temperature, air temperature, injector connections, and so on. This provides a clean harness to use that’s matched to the Pro-Flo 4 system that manages the engine. All you need to do is install the harness and ECU, answer a few basic questions during setup, upload the base map, and you can start driving the vehicle. The Pro-Flo 4 ECU is self-learning so it will optimize the tune as the car runs and will even adjust for minor engine modifications.

Eric Blakely from Edelbrock provides some additional details about the harness and Pro-Flo 4 combination.

“This will help the average guy who has a street car or hot rod and wants to have a modern engine without all the hassles. The harness is the same that comes with the Pro-Flo system, minus the intake, so you can use the stock parts on the engine you selected for the swap. You can use just about any aftermarket or a stock intake with this wiring harness because it has all the sensor connections you need. The software is easy to use and comes with a diagnostic mode to help troubleshoot possible issues that could arise from using a junkyard engine,” explained Blakely.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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