SEMA 2023: ADDCO Billet Swaybar End Links And Midsection Brackets

Swaybars are one of those suspension components that don’t really get a whole lot of accolades, since they aren’t fancy and shiny. Swaybar end links and bushing get even less attention since they are really just functional accessories to the swaybar. Until now, that is. ADDCO has designed a set of billet-aluminum end links and mid-section swaybar mounting brackets.

“These billet end links are an upgrade to our standard end links,” says ADDCO’s Ed Demarcellus. “They are machined from billet aluminum and are clear anodized. Of our 2,500 applications, our billet end link selection will cover about 90 percent of them. When you order a swaybar kit, you can upgrade to the links. Or if you already have a swaybar kit — even a non-ADDCO one — you can measure your bar and get the billet end links with the bushings. They are a nice extra dress-up touch.”

Addco billet swaybar end links

ADDCO’s billet aluminum swaybar end links add a little bit of flash under your car.

In addition to the billet swaybar end links, ADDCO has a line of billet aluminum mid-section swaybar mounts. And while the clear-anodized billet mounts are both flashy and strong, the real star of that lineup is the bushings themselves. “All of our mid-section bushings carry a lifetime warranty, are guaranteed never to squeak, and never need to be greased,” says Demarcellus.

“They are impregnated with a lubricant that DOW makes during the injection molding process. The more the bushing works, the more it lubricates itself. It’s easy to identify over a standard bushing, like the ones in the end links, because of the white haze on the bushing; that’s the lubricant. You can also feel it when you touch it.” If you are looking to spruce up the underside of your project, or want to eliminate your swaybar squeak without having to grease bushings, ADDCO has you covered.

The lighter appearance of the midsection bushing is an indicator of the impregnated lubricant that keeps the bushing from squeaking without ever needing to be greased.

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About the author

Greg Acosta

Greg has spent twenty years and counting in automotive publishing, with most of his work having a very technical focus. Always interested in how things work, he enjoys sharing his passion for automotive technology with the reader.
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