2018 ZR1 AWOL At Detroit Auto Show, But Wait, There’s An Update!


Pic Courtesy Of AllCarNews

So far, no new Corvette ZR1s have been spotted in Detroit. Well that’s a wet blanket, huh? GM has trotted out numerous new SUVs and other gussied up models, but no new ‘Vette in sight.

The details have been bantered around all last year and we had our bags packed ready to jump on a plane to the dirty, frigid wasteland that is modern Detroit, but cooler heads prevailed around the office when there was no concrete evidence to support putting a man on the ground.

Surely Chevrolet would have let the automotive press know the biggest Corvette event since the last ZR1 was reconstituted with the C6, wouldn’t they?

That’s still unclear, but according to seasoned Car and Driver scribe Don Sherman, who has been in the business a thousand years and is a Corvette guy through and through, we might see it a little later this year.

what we know

Pic Courtesy AutoEvolution

According to Sherman, “A high-­ranking Corvette engineer assured us that there are no delays in the development programs for the current C7 (which includes the ZR1) and the future C8 (the much anticipated mid-­engined car). Our crack photo operatives have captured camouflaged test mules at GM’s winter test site in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. A second GM confidant reacted positively to our rank speculation that the 750-­hp ZR1 might roll forth at this year’s Continental Tire Road Race Showcase IMSA event at Road America this August.”

August? Oh boy.

With this intelligence, we at least know two cars are confirmed–C7 ZR1 and C8–and they’re “on track.” So take that for what’s its worth.

Until then, we’ll have to keep squinting at cars cloaked in curly cue camouflage–whew–and wondering if the DOHC V8 will debut on the “Super C7” or show up in the mystery mid-engine car. At least its good fun keeping track of all the developments. Stay tuned for all the updates.

LEad art Zr1

About the author

Dave Cruikshank

Dave Cruikshank is a lifelong car enthusiast and an editor at Power Automedia. He digs all flavors of automobiles, from classic cars to modern EVs. Dave loves music, design, tech, current events, and fitness.
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