2019 ZR1 Sets New Standard For Fast At NCM Motorsports Park

Photo credit: ABI Photography

Snow-shovels have finally given way to hot-shoes in Bowling Green, Kentucky and the NCM Motorsports Park’s own Andy Pilgrim has just set the record for the fastest production car around the NMP’s track wielding a 2019 ZR1 Corvette. Located in Corvette’s home town, the NCM Motorsports Park is located adjacent to the Corvette Assembly Plant and the National Corvette Museum.

I knew the new ZR-1 was quick… – Andy Pilgrim

While the Motorsports Park’s track is open to any make and model of auto, holding the honor is a testament to the labors of those local to the area and the teams in Detroit who have forged Corvette into the world-renowned performance benchmark it has become. It’s only fitting that it holds the record-setting lap time on its home track.

The 2019 Chevrolet Corvette ZR-1 has done an astonishing 2:05.59 around the Grand Full, 3.15-mile configuration, even to the astonishment of a seasoned veteran racer such as Andy. “I knew the new ZR1 was quick from my first drive at the Media Launch at Road Atlanta. Setting a production car lap record on OE tires at MSP by turning a 2:05.59 lap, let me know just how quick,” he said.

Of course, a blazingly-fast car does not a record make and to pilot the new ZR1 into the record books, the NCM Motorsport Park team only needed to go down the hallway to their in-house hot-shoe, Andy Pilgrim. Driving fast Corvettes has been common for Andy for several generations. He was one of the first factory drivers chosen by Corvette Racing when they decided to head out into competition.

We recently mentioned that enthusiasts can gain valuable experience from Andy, on this same track, if they would like to sign up for his services. This time simply reinforces his aptitude for finding the proper apex point at speed. His lap in the ZR1 represents the start of a series of production car lap times to be recorded around NCM Motorsports Park’s Grand Full configuration. You can keep track of all the lap times on the NCM Motorsports Park’s Facebook page or check out their website for more info.

With so many records falling subject to the power of the new ZR1, adding another to the list cements the capabilities of the car. The fact that it sets the bar on its home course simply means that there are surely other marques who will attempt to best it. If they ever do, we rest secure in knowing that the folks wrenching on the new cars coming down the line less than a mile away will be ready to roll up their sleeves a little further to get it back.

About the author

Andy Bolig

Andy has been intrigued by mechanical things all of his life and enjoys tinkering with cars of all makes and ages. Finding value in style points, he can appreciate cars of all power and performance levels. Andy is an avid railfan and gets his “high” by flying radio-controlled model airplanes when time permits. He keeps his feet firmly grounded by working on his two street rods and his supercharged C4 Corvette. Whether planes, trains, motorcycles, or automobiles, Andy has immersed himself in a world driven by internal combustion.
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