2023 Spring Carlisle Sets Bar For A Year Of Events

As Carlisle Events’ first show of the season, the 2023 Spring Carlisle event sets the stage for what to expect in the automotive hobby. Those who typically attend the event each year know how susceptible it can be to the unpredictable Pennsylvania springtime weather. Thankfully, this year’s event enjoyed Chamber of Commerce weather and enthusiasts came out in droves to enjoy the sun, fun, and excitement.

Spring Carlisle covers every square inch of the fairgrounds’ 82 acres with vendors, swap meet spaces, car corrals, and special displays.

Carlisle’s Spring and Fall events are general-attendance happenings so any make and model of automobile is welcome. That was highlighted by the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA) setting up its display front and center on the Carlisle fairground’s stage. The AACA set up a display highlighting some of the varied cars from the club, and to help promote club attendance for new members.

Of course, any mention of Spring Carlisle would be remiss if not including the swap meet and vendor areas that make up much of the 82-acre facility. The scope of new and used parts, rare components, and vendors on-site make the age-old statement, “I found it at Carlisle!” a good possibility. For those looking to snag a new project or completed vehicle, there were plenty of opportunities in the Car Corral and throughout the fairgrounds.

'53 Corvette Serial #100

This 1953 Corvette was the top seller at the Carlisle Spring Collector Car Auction and sold for $324,000.

Just outside of the fairgrounds gate, the two-day classic and collector car auction presented by Carlisle Auctions was underway on Thursday and Friday. Overall, the auction rang up $6 million in sales (including fees) thanks to its 68% sell-through rate. One of the bell-ringers for the auction was the sale of the 1953 Corvette serial #100. The selling price for the first-year Corvette set the bar as the highest-ever, top-dollar sale for the auction house with a final bid of $324,000! “We were honored to sell #100,” said Director of Auction Operations, Tony Cline. “It was the pinnacle of a fantastic Spring Carlisle Collector Car Auction.”

The Top Five Sales for the Spring Carlisle Collector Car Auction totaled nearly $640,440. The 1953 Corvette took top honors but the other four included a variety of classic and muscle cars including:

  1. 1953 Corvette $324,000
  2. 1962 Ford Galaxy $89,100
  3. 1960 Cadillac Series 62 $84,240
  4. 1956 Ford Sunliner $72,900
  5. 1967 Plymouth GTX $70,200

Carlisle Events and the Carlisle Collector Car Auctions produce over a dozen automotive events throughout the year and the team is hard at it planning out the next events. A complete listing of each event can be found on the Carlisle Events website. Looking forward, the Fall Carlisle Collector Car Auction will be held on September 28-29 and runs in conjunction with the Fall Carlisle Collector Car Swap Meet and Corral being held on September 27 through October 1.

Carlisle Auctions

History was made April 20-21, 2023 at the Carlisle Expo Center as part of the Spring Carlisle Collector Car Auction.

Don’t forget to check out all the great events held throughout the year at the Carlisle Fairgrounds in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and be sure to get your tickets early to join in on all the fun!

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About the author

Andy Bolig

Andy has been intrigued by mechanical things all of his life and enjoys tinkering with cars of all makes and ages. Finding value in style points, he can appreciate cars of all power and performance levels. Andy is an avid railfan and gets his “high” by flying radio-controlled model airplanes when time permits. He keeps his feet firmly grounded by working on his two street rods and his supercharged C4 Corvette. Whether planes, trains, motorcycles, or automobiles, Andy has immersed himself in a world driven by internal combustion.
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