Aeromotive Releases New PTFE Fuel Lines And Hose Ends

Aeromotive, the leading manufacturer of aftermarket fuel systems and accessories, has developed universal PTFE fuel lines and hose ends to be used in a wide variety of applications.

The new PTFE fuel lines and hose ends provide superior resistance to harsh fuels such as gasoline, E-85 ethanol, methanol and other racing fuels compared to traditional nitrile rubber hose as well as a more professional finish. Ranging from -60 degrees to more than 200 degrees Celsius, PTFE carries a wide temperature tolerance, making it the best choice for any application facing extreme conditions. Unlike rubber fuel line, PTFE acts as a vapor barrier to prevent fuel odors from permeating and provides protection against any static electricity buildup with a built-in carbonized liner.

Aeromotive’s PTFE fuel lines come in three diameters — AN-06, AN-08 and AN-10 — and in four lengths from 4 to 20 feet. PTFE hose ends are available in four sizes — AN-06, AN-08, AN-10 and AN-12 — and as straight-fitting, 45-degree, 90-degree and 180-degree ends (180-degree ends for AN-08 only).

The Aeromotive PTFE fuel lines are available in braided stainless steel and black-jacketed, braided stainless steel for superior strength and a professional finish. For more information on the new PTFE fuel line and hose ends and more products from Aeromotive, visit

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