AMD Garage Hits On All Cylinders With Great Content

The internet and YouTube have expanded the amount of automotive content that enthusiasts can explore. There are plenty of creators and magazines you can follow to see what’s at big events across the country that you might not ever get to check out. The team at Auto Metal Direct (AMD) has created their own YouTube series called “AMD Garage” and it’s packed with really awesome content.

AMD’s main business is providing body panels for muscle cars and classic trucks. The company attends the biggest high-performance automotive events and trade shows all over the United States, which allows them to see some really cool stuff. Since AMD is the type of company that just oozes horsepower, it’s going to use these events as a way to showcase the amazing builds and other interesting stuff it has access to.

Jason Chandler from AMD explains why the company developed its AMD Garage YouTube series.

“We do AMD Garage to give people a first-hand look at the automotive scene, whether that is installs and how-to segments, product reviews, other aftermarket companies, and interviews with builders. We like giving our audience a well-rounded outlet for their passion. We use the platform to showcase builds we are involved with as well. From Richard Rawlings, Joe Martin, Kevin Tetz, to giveaway vehicles and local guys that are in the scene, you’ll find it all in the AMD Garage,”

You’ll want to check out the latest episode of AMD Garage from the Goodguys Columbus show. They talk with Rick Love from Vintage Air, Rockford Smith of Rockford Custom Paint and Body, show you the awesome “Incision” 1968 Dodge Charger built by Jesse’s Classics and Customs, and mix in plenty of show coverage.

You can see more of the AMD Garage series right here on the company’s YouTube channel.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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