Atlanta Floods Take Down an Innocent C4 Corvette

Atlanta was hit hard with torrential rainfall last Sunday. Flash flooding shut down several roads in and around the metro area, but a C4 Corvette sadly was submerged beneath high waters. The Corvette was just one of several cars suffering damage in an Atlanta apartment complex. With photos surfacing, the flooded Vette quickly made local news after catching the attention of

With flood devastation seen throughout the city, it was determined the flooding was the result of a water main break, according to a Georgia Department of Transportation 511 operator. Several streets were eventually closed, including the main artery of transportation known as “The Downtown Connector.” Motorists were instructed to seek alternate routes, leaving many stranded awaiting for water to recede.

These photos show the car while submerged and the aftermath, once the water level subsided. Unfortunately, the extent of the damage is still unknown, tow truck drivers have been working late into the nights taking away all the cars that had been submerged in Sunday’s flood. Drainage issues reported to be an ongoing issue, and residents are hoping that both the apartment complex owners and city will come together to establish a plan resolve the problem.

The C4 Corvette may not be everyone’s favorite Vette, but they are still one hell of a value and represent quite a turning point in the history of America’s sports car. Hopefully there is some sort of a bright future in store for this car, as well as the city in which it drowned.

About the author

Bridgett Davis

Growing up in Greenwood, Indiana a short distance from the world famous Indianapolis Motor Speedway, my dad would take me to local car shows and events. Through this I gained my passion. Along with cars, I have always loved photography, writing, and graphic arts. However when attending college I did not pursue my passions. I played it safe and majored in business and marketing. After a few years in this field I determined this was not for me and began to pursue a writing and photography career. Landing me here with Power Automedia. I am also now the business owner of Bridgett's Toxic Creations. Specializing in automobile showboards, custom license plates, logos, and website headers. Living and breathing the Mustang life everyday in everyway. To be able to work in my field of passion is amazing and fun experience everyday. The best part is sharing a common passion with others.
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