Callaway Considering Corvette C7 Shooting Brake Concept

The idea of a Corvette-turned-muscle-wagon isn’t new. That idea has been around for at least 40 years, with the C3 Corvette first falling victim to this trend. What goes around comes around though, and station wagons of all kinds suddenly seem in vogue again, as soccer moms have quickly tired of the whole “crossover” trend. Sports wagons are what the cool people like.

While you can’t yet buy a 2014 Corvette C7, Callaway Cars has unveiled a concept they call the C21 AeroWagon, turning the Corvette into a “shooting brake”, which is rich people slang for station wagon. Motor Authority reports that these kits could cost as little as $15,000 for Corvette fans seeking a bit more practicality from their sports coupes.

Shooting brake concepts have gained a lot of popularity, especially among exotic car makers like Ferrari and Fisker. GM even had its own shooting brake concept, the Chevy Nomad, way back in 2004. With the 2014 Corvette C7, Callaway has conceived a new look for this next-gen ‘Vette in the C21 AeroWagon. We dig the look, but a concept picture is one thing. Without sufficient interest from potential buyers, this concept will remain just that.

But station wagons/shooting brakes certainly seem to be the “hip” thing these days, especially among the well-heeled. The Ferrari FF and Fisker Surf are just a couple examples of expensive shooting brakes that garnered a lot of positive acclaim. But even with a $15,000 body kit, a Corvette C7 shooting brake would be cheaper by tens of thousands of dollars than either of the aforementioned cars. A powerful three-door for the common man (or at least not the dot com millionaire)? Only if Callaway follows through on this concept, though so far reception has been overwhelmingly positive. 

Will Corvette buyers vote with their wallets? Will the Callaway concept come to life? Keep your fingers crossed.

About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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