Canton Racing Products Are More Than Oil Pans


Canton Racing Products are well known for their high quality racing oil pans for every motorsport and street application but the company has several other performance products that meet the high standards that high performance  expect from Canton Racing Products.

Among the many high performance products that Canton provides for engines is their phenolic and aluminum adapter and spacer product line.  

It’s a well known fact that horsepower and torque increases can be found by increasing the plenum area under the carburetor. Depending on the design of the engine, the exact height to lift the carburetor and style of spacer to use can vary.

Canton’s carburetor spacers and adapters are designed in several different styles and heights. Some are designed with four holes to match the configuration of a four-barrel carburetor. Using this type of spacer increases the barrel lengths of the carburetor and improves low-end response.

Some spacers are designed to be completely open to increase the plenum area to allow for improved air/fuel distribution. These are generally beneficial in higher RPM applications.

Aluminum spacers help by lengthening the plenum area or barrel area but transfer heat from the engine quicker; phenolic spacers resist heat transfer while lifting the carburetor up to create more area.

Tapered or blended spacers use a four-hole design at the carburetor, then open up gradually toward the manifold. These can sometimes provide the best combination.

While Canton Racing Products offer the styles and sizes that have proven to be the most successful, they recommend testing and tuning to verify the size and style that will provide the best result for your situation.

For more information on Canton’s line of adapters and spacers for carburetors, visit them at

About the author

Bobby Kimbrough

Bobby grew up in the heart of Illinois, becoming an avid dirt track race fan which has developed into a life long passion. Taking a break from the Midwest dirt tracks to fight evil doers in the world, he completed a full 21 year career in the Marine Corps.
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