Check Out The LS Powerplant Built For This Camaro

Dearborn, Michigan is a town rich in automotive history. From Ford Motor Company’s World Headquarters to The Automotive Hall of Fame, Dearborn is a car buff’s dream hometown, and it’s the residence of choice for Kip Tyra and his big-inch LS-powered Camaro.

The chassis itself is a repurposed grudge Camaro currently under the knife at Straight Line Performance, where it’s receiving an updated chromoly cage. The car sits atop a 9-inch rear end with 40 spline axles bolted between RaceStar wheels, though Kip plans to swap to Weld wheels soon.


The showpiece of this build, however, is the 481 cubic inch LS powerplant that Tyra hopes will push the Camaro deep into the 7-second zone. Built around RHS’s raised-cam tall deck LS block, the engine features a Callies Magnum 4.5-inch stroke crank slinging Callies Ultra 6.350 H-Beam rods topped by Diamond 4.125-inch pistons selected specifically for this build by Sam Vincent at Vincent Performance. Handling the more precise operations will be a .900+ lift cam, custom spec’d by Martin at Tick Performance, tickling T&D shaft rockers via Comp Cams 7/16ths pushrods and Comp Cams Elite solid roller lifters. PAC valve springs will keep the Ferrea valves (2.25 int, 1.65 exh) in place in the LSX heads, which have been custom-ported by Headwinds.

Getting sufficient air and fuel into such a large bottom end will be the responsibility of a trick Holley Hi-Ram intake topped by a gorgeous Hogan billet adapter and a single AED-prepped Dominator carburetor. Of course, the carb will only handle delivering a portion the engine’s air-fuel mixture. The rest will be added by a 3-stage nitrous system. The first stage will be an Induction Solutions Fogger-style kit jetted to add 300 horsepower to the anticipated 1,100 from the engine. The second and third stages will be introduced by Edelbrock plates, with the second stage adding an additional 200 horsepower and the third dumping 150-200 more ponies into the mix. All said, the engine should be pumping around 1,800 horsepower to the pavement and, if all goes according to plan, landing Kip deep in the sevens.

Check out all the details in Kip’s build thread on YellowBullet.

About the author

Jeremy Patterson

A former bracket racer, Jeremy, known by many as "Taco," stepped out of the seat in 2005 to focus on his growing family. A few years ago, he returned to the sport, this time as a photographer and a journalist.
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