Classic Dash Now Offers 1993-02 Camaro Dash Panels

It’s hard to believe that Chevrolet unleashed the 4th-Gen Camaro on the world 30 years ago. These cars had a great run from 1993-2002, and have now become modern classics. If you’re looking for a new dash panel for a 4th-Gen Camaro, Classic Dash has you covered with its analog and digital dash offerings.

You can find plenty of used 4th-Gen Camaros for sale online, but their interiors are starting to show some age. Classic Dash saw an opportunity to service a new customer base, and applied its decades of experience to create these Camaro dash panels.

The new Classic Dash 1993-02 Camaro dash panels are precision-molded. These dash panels can be purchased to hold analog gauges, Holley digital dashes, and RacePak digital dashes. The dash panels are made from a tough ABS material that’s UV-protected, and will fit in the OEM location using the OEM hardware. The analog gauge option allows you to use a 3-3/8″ speedometer and tachometer, and 2-1/16″ auxiliary gauges. If you’re going with a digital display, the dash will hold the Holley 6.86” digital dash or the RacePak IQ3S Street Dash.

“Our extensive line-up of Camaro drop-in dashes continues to be the trusted solution for enthusiasts worldwide. The response from the Camaro community has been very strong. Customers tell us they love the ease of installation, the look of the dash, and the ability to customize their instrumentation. Every day, we hear from customers about the important role Classic Dash plays in their build. We are excited to be able to bring these new 4th-Gen Camaro dashes to the racing, muscle car, restomod, and pro touring motorsport markets,” says Greg Wambold, President of Classic Dash.

You can learn more about these new dash panels and see what options are available right here on the Classic Dash website.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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