Classic Ferrari Hosts An LS1 Under Its Hood Quite Stealthily

Classic Ferrari Hosts An LS1 Under Its Hood Quite Stealthily

There’s an old saying that goes “You don’t know what you don’t know,” and you wouldn’t know that this 1967 Ferrari 330GT is powered by an all aluminum, 5.7-liter LS1 V8 unless you really knew what you were looking at. One look under the hood of this classic European coupe, and you might not even bat an eye or a second guess.

That is until you look at the familiar placement of the alternator, of course. And, if you’re a classic Ferrari connoisseur (in which case, if you are, what are you doing on LSX Magazine, anyways?), you might say to yourself: “Hey, that doesn’t look like a factory Colombo V12!” And you’d be right. To that, we say: don’t be fooled by the Ferrari valve covers.

That begs the question as to why the original V12 was replaced in the first place. According to the original ad on Bring A Trailer, the car’s current owner had intended on returning an original engine to its natural habitat, albeit that did not happen. Obviously, it goes without saying that the all aluminum, 5.7-liter LS1 V8 is significantly cheaper to maintain from a maintenance aspect. And, the potential for more power down the road with modifications only helps the cause as well, but we digress.

It’s hard to put a value on a car as unique as this classic late ’60s Ferrari, but with three days left on the docket (and a bid reaching nearly six figures), we don’t think this European classic will have any issues finding a new home.

About the author

Harrison Noble

Living in San Diego for most of his life, Harrison was exposed to a variety of cars at an early age. His passion for anything that is fast, or has a V8, brought him to Power Automedia.
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