A quick search of YouTube will supply you with an overwhelming response to the new C8 Corvette. So how did these so-called media influences get to test drive the new Corvette? It’s our understanding that Chevrolet flew the YouTube celebrities out to Las Vegas and allowed them to not only drive the car around the city but also allowed them to race on an autocross track. Talk about being lucky. While there are some excellent video reviews and some that are not so good, we can always count on Cleetus McFarland to give us an entertaining look at just about anything including the C8.
After watching the two videos, we came away with a few things that answered some questions that we had.
One question that was on our mind is, how would the new C8 work for tall people? While a quick google search will show you that the average American male is 5-foot 9-inches, I’m quite a bit taller than that at 6-foot 3-inches. I have driven some exotics, Ford GTs, Corvettes, and even tried to squeeze into a GT40 with zero success. With the new design, would the C8 accommodate someone my size comfortably? According to the 6-foot 6-inch Cleetus McFarland, the new platform is somewhat comfortable for him meaning it should be fine for most of us.
Our second question was, will the mid-engine Corvette be able to do a burnout with the new dual-clutch transmission? The answer, in short, is kind of. Cleetus did get an engineer to show him the proper procedure to initiate tire spin. The problem is, the car’s weight distribution and massive rear tires push the car even with the front brakes locked up. While a water box will help the new Corvette light up the tires, we don’t expect to see many ‘Vettes lighting up the tires with the stock power levels on the street.

During the burnout process, the C8 emitted more smoke from the front tires than the rears, unfortunatly.
Our third question revolves around the hype of the new platform, will it be as good as expected? According to Cleetus, the new C8 is nothing short of remarkable. After wheeling the car around the autocross, the YouTuber states that he is more excited about the delivery of the car now that he has had some seat time. During the video, Cleetus talks about how well balanced the car is, the fantastic handling properties, and even likes the transmission.
While we still have some more questions regarding the C8, we are pleased with some of the inside information Cleetus and Cooper were able to give us in the video.