Corvette Racing Sets Goals For GTLM In 2019

On the heels of a hard-fought 2018, the Corvette Racing team is beginning this season with a fire in their gut and solid goals in their hearts and minds.

Last year, Corvette Racing earned every point that carried them to both the Driver’s and Team Championships. While the class wins were far and few between, their consistency to find a seat on the podium helped bring them baby-step points and when they were all totaled up at the end of the season, Corvette Racing was not left wanting.

Antonio Garcia, driver for the #3 Corvette helps to understand how competitive the GTLM class is in IMSA racing, “We missed so many races by so little…” Competition that is separated by fractions of a second after hours of fierce competition keeps the anticipation level at redline and affords each team an opportunity for victory.

The difference between winning and losing can be found in a prolonged pit stop or even by the timing of a yellow flag. Making as many right decisions as possible with a long-term goal is the only way to improve the chances of scoring those oh-so-important points throughout the season. Corvette Racing has been constantly learning and evolving to keep in contention with a highly-capable field of competitors and this year is no different.

Driver of the #4 Corvette, Oliver Gavin explains, “We know what we need to do.” He explains some of the past challenges and what obstacles will try to stand between them and another victory. Be sure to check in on Corvette Racing as they attack the 2019 season and all its competitors with a level of resolve, consistency and the “never-give-up” mindset that has carried them through to many victories in the past. Corvette Racing’s next bout with the world’s best racers will be at the 12-hours of Sebring next week.

About the author

Andy Bolig

Andy has been intrigued by mechanical things all of his life and enjoys tinkering with cars of all makes and ages. Finding value in style points, he can appreciate cars of all power and performance levels. Andy is an avid railfan and gets his “high” by flying radio-controlled model airplanes when time permits. He keeps his feet firmly grounded by working on his two street rods and his supercharged C4 Corvette. Whether planes, trains, motorcycles, or automobiles, Andy has immersed himself in a world driven by internal combustion.
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