Corvettes At Carlisle Fun Field Sells Out In 24 Hours In New Record

For the Corvette faithful, the annual Corvettes at Carlisle event held at the Carlisle Pennsylvania fairgrounds is one event that is not to be missed. This year, more people than ever got the memo, with record participation in the Fun Field area of the event that sold out within 24 hours of registration opening. This year’s event was held on August 24-26, 2023.

The latest record, set just last year, was 2,924 creations of Chevrolet’s halo brand filing into the Carlisle Fairground gates. For 2023, that number was shattered by the close of this year’s Corvettes at Carlisle event.  The NEW record Fun Field total of 3,080 was realized, thus making this the first-ever Corvettes at Carlisle with more than 3,000 registered show vehicles for the fun field.  Mix that with another 2,000-plus Corvette owners who paid to park and bought an admission ticket, and you have more than 5,000 Corvettes together in one place — the Carlisle PA Fairgrounds.

Corvettes at Carlisle is always a great place to find those rare parts or new projects, or to show off your Corvette of any age. The aisles within the show fields, swap meet, or Manufacturer's Midway are always teeming with Corvette enthusiasts from around the globe.

There was much more to see than just the Fun Field. There were special indoor and tent displays, and droves of Corvettes streamed throughout the grounds in a seemingly non-stop manner through mid-day Saturday. This year’s displays celebrated the 50th anniversary of all 1973 Corvettes and the Chip’s Choice exhibit honored some significant Corvettes that have competed during the famed Le Mans endurance race in France. This special display included two of the three 1960 Cunningham Corvettes, plus a trio of Callaway Cars, an L88, and more. For the Callaway entries, this was their first time EVER being shown in the same place at the same time. Another favorite of the Corvette crowd is the creation of the American flag, consisting of over 150 Corvettes of mostly red, white, and blue in color.

Attendees also had plenty of opportunities to ogle some of Chevrolet’s latest and greatest offerings, including the new E-Ray Corvette. Team Chevrolet and their amazing engineering group showcased at least six different E-Rays, including a cutaway car, giving guests a first-hand look behind the scenes of their latest C8 offering.

Enthusiasts flocked to the many seminars held during the event. They could learn about the mechanics of their modern Corvettes by Corvette technician Paul Koerner, and by the team of Chevrolet folks who created the latest versions, including the all-new E-Ray Corvette. Chevrolet had several of these hybrid variants on-hand for attendees to ogle.

There were some somber moments throughout the event, such as the special chat session at the stage focusing on Vettes for Vets. Hosted by Jason Dores, this session helped educate the Carlisle masses on how they can help our National Heroes. It was a fitting and serious talk, while also showcasing the elegance of both the Corvette and the flag.

Corvettes at carlisle Reeves Callaway memoriam

Reeves Callaway’s son, Peter Callaway took part in the memorial for his father. Callaway Cars had several super-rare Corvettes on hand to commemorate the occasion.

There was also a memoriam for automotive enthusiast and Corvette icon, Reeves Callaway. From his first foray into Corvettedom with the torque-excessive, twin-turbo B2K C4 Corvettes, to the current C8 Corvette offerings, Reeves has continually been one of Corvette’s most vocal cheerleaders. He has also carried the Corvette banner into battle on some of the most respected race courses around the globe. A moment of silence was paired with a revving of the very engines that Reeves helped make more powerful.

Corvettes At Carlisle parade

Every Corvettes at Carlisle event culminates in the Corvette parade to downtown Carlisle. Hundreds of Corvettes of all ages flood the streets for a party that is not to be missed.

Saturday concluded with an awards ceremony on the grounds with a celebratory parade of those lucky winners of the many awards handed out during the event. The festivities then overflowed in a slow, yet steady parade of Corvettes that filled the downtown Carlisle area for an evening party. This year’s Corvettes at Carlisle event is in the books, but plans are already being made for next year’s event, which will be held on August 22-24, 2024. Make plans to attend and check out the Corvette Events website to be sure you get the memo for next year’s event!

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About the author

Andy Bolig

Andy has been intrigued by mechanical things all of his life and enjoys tinkering with cars of all makes and ages. Finding value in style points, he can appreciate cars of all power and performance levels. Andy is an avid railfan and gets his “high” by flying radio-controlled model airplanes when time permits. He keeps his feet firmly grounded by working on his two street rods and his supercharged C4 Corvette. Whether planes, trains, motorcycles, or automobiles, Andy has immersed himself in a world driven by internal combustion.
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