Dakota Digital Offers BIM Expansion Modules For Gauges

Dakota Digital Offers BIM Expansion Modules For Gauges

Dakota Digital now offers the BIM Expansion Modules for those who have an existing Digital Instrument System or for those looking to purchase a new system. The Digital Instrument Systems offer the six standard gauge readings, but for those who need to monitor more aspects of their vehicle then this is where the BIM Expansion Modules come into play. These modules allow you to monitor everything that new cars have to offer and more. From wideband air-fuel monitoring to tire pressure monitoring systems, there is a BIM Expansion Module to fit your specific needs.

Features and More

Dakota Digital’s BIM-series modules allow the user to add up to 16-gauges for the best monitoring available. Even with the addition of 16 additional gauges, the driver’s area will not be cluttered by pillar gauge pods or more faces. The BIM-series modules make use of the existing digital instrument system by allowing the user to toggle through multiple screens while keeping track of the standard systems. Users will be able to monitor everything from tire pressure to transmission temperature along with the addition of a digital clock and outside temperature.

Currently, the BIM-series modules are compatible with the following Dakota Digital instrument systems: RTX, HDX, VHX, and VFD3. It is important to know that the CRTX, HDX, VHX, VFD3 and RET control boxes with the black plastic housing are compatible with BIM Expansion Modules. Control boxes with the metal housing will not work with the BIM Expansion Modules.

Dakota Digital BIM-series do not require any additional drilling or cutting. They will not clutter the passenger compartment or the driver’s view with pillar mounts or pods. Dakota Digital allows the users to experience the best of modern technology even in an LS-powered classic Camaro.

For more information please visit the Dakota Digital website.

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About the author

Lauren Camille

Lauren is a graduate of California State University Fullerton, and has experience working for several enthusiast publications. She enjoys drag racing, classic Fords, and vintage Lincolns. She currently races a 1965 Ford Mustang Fastback, and has a soft spot for 1960’s Lincolns. Currently, her collection includes: ’04 Cobra Convertible, ’65 Mustang Fastback, ’04 F350 6.0 diesel, ’96 Jeep Grand Cherokee, and a ’87 Jeep Wrangler. She provides insightful content as a freelance writer for Power Automedia.
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