DynoJet Research recently released it’s new DynoWareRT module that comes standard with all DynoJet chassis dynos. The DynoWare RT houses the DynoJet PowerCore software suite which is an application manager that houses the WinPEP 8 programs. WinPEP 8 Controls is the software that operates the dynoject chassis dynamometers. According to DynoJet representative Carl Chastain, “The DynoWare RT is also available as an upgrade on existing chassis dynamometers.”
One of the key new functions of the software with DynoWare RT is the ability to communicate to a PC wirelessly through a router. This gives the chassis dyno operator the ability to communicate, control and monitor dyno runs directly from the driver’s seat of the vehicle.

Included is the standard 10-button pendant that allows the operator to begin sampling, brake, apply load controls or navigate the software, all from the driver’s seat of the vehicle.
The DynoWare RT can be operated wirelessly but does also have the option to plug directly into a computer with the ability to log over 40-channels and the ability to have multiple AFR’s on at one time. The unit has capabilities for four 0-5 volt inputs, two inductive inputs, two optical inputs and four DynoJet CAN inputs which allow plug in of other DynoJet products like the wideband2 module.
The unit comes standard with a 12-inch atmospheric probe used as a condition measurement and correction for horsepower. Also standard is the 10-button control pendant which allows the operator to sample, brake, activate load control and navigate the WinPEP 8 software from the driver’s seat of the vehicle.
The system comes with two wideband inputs to allow users to measure from cylinder bank to cylinder bank on the engine. With the additional CAN inputs, there is the ability to plug in additional AFR systems with up to 8-additional wideband inputs.
In addition to all the other standard inputs that can be measured and logged, DynoJet offers pre-configured sensors to measure boost or fuel rail pressure too.
For more information on DynoJet’s DynoWare RT, you can see the spec sheet by clicking here.