If you’ve been around the car scene for any amount of time, you have probably seen a repli-car or two. You know the drill; what usually starts as something like a Pontiac Fiero ends up being the Ferrari of your dreams… err, well sort of. Over the years, we’ve seen quite a few original replicas but can’t say we’ve ever come across one like this.
While the advertisement doesn’t do much justice for the build process, we think it’s safe to assume that the craftsman put plenty of hours into making what appears to be an almost finished Bugatti Veyron repli-car. Based on the chassis of a 2004 GTO, this LS1-powered exotic is truly one of a kind. While it probably won’t be as fast as a Bugatti (yet) you may be able to pull a fast one on your stodgy friends at the country club when you pull up in your tricked out Fugatti.
You could even be the talk of the town in your new million dollar car; or not. If the whole “looks of a super car” thing just isn’t flashy enough for you this work of art is topped off with Lambo doors that are so cool that Lambos can’t even rock them anymore. In a world where money is no object, it would be awesome to say that you LSX-swapped an original Bugatti. But hey, if you don’t have $1,000,000+ laying around and are dying for that million dollar move with a $5 finish, this “Fugatti” may be exactly what the doctor ordered.
While yours truly would probably never shell out over $30k to get my hands on one, I must say to each his own. While most probably see it as tacky, I will give the owner this: a certain level of expertise must be observed to tackle a project of this magnitude. We here at LSXMAG wish him the best with his sale.