If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re a gearhead of some sort. And if so, then your life has been impacted in some way by one man in particular: 97-year-old Ed Iskenderian, the founder of Isky Cams. The folks over at Isky are proud to announce that they’ve released a 200-page tome of Ed’s life, which—in a nutshell—is the story of hot-rodding itself. With a foreword written by another legendary figure in the hot-rodding industry—Vic Edelbrock, Jr.—it promises the obsessed gearhead the thrill of legendary stories that helped to shape the performance industry as a whole.
An excerpt:
Ed was there from the very beginning. Born in 1921 to first-generation Armenian immigrants, Ed’s first hobby was ham radio, but like many young men in the years before World War II, his interest turned to automobiles, especially hot rods.
This book tells the whole story, from Ed’s pre-war Lake Muroc and car club activities, his service in the military, starting a small business fabricating parts and making cams in the back of a rented shop, and then selling cams to other hot-rodders. It covers how he grew a business from a single cam grinder and became the leading cam authority in barely ten years. Ed was a gifted machinist, and he also had a natural knack for promotion. he purchased an ad in the second edition of Hot Rod magazine, sensing something big; his instincts, as always, were right. he was also the first to use T-shirts and uniforms as promotion.
Ed’s brand went on to become a household name in the performance community. His continued success is an entertaining tale of mingling with industry icons, insight into the business of hot rodding, great stories of yesterday and today, and a life very well lived. You will enjoy the stories recorded here as much as Ed “Isky” Iskenderian seems to enjoy telling them.
Get your copy right here! if you’d like one with Ed’s autograph, that’s possible too—just follow the instructions on the order page.