Finish Strong: Magnuson Offers Deals On Kits Through December 31st

Bt5sGNOIAAAGNBfYour normal, everyday vehicle is a tame beast, balancing the best of distinct worlds to give drivers better MPGs and meaningful muscle. Most V6s and V8s from the factory represent the tip of the spear as far as the manufacturer is concerned, but they’re far from the average gearhead’s idea of what real power means.

1973653_597061743753890_1329695545325155459_oThe folks over at Magnuson share this notion on a daily basis, and make it their business to unlock the true potential of a motor by way of supercharging the crap out of it. One such example was the 2014 Silverado that was filmed in October, generating almost 500 hp and 500 lb-ft of torque at the rear wheels.

Now, the spirit of holiday cheer has spread to the Ventura, California-based company, and in turn, the holiday cheer will spread to you too. That’s because a fresh sale on the company’s trusted superchargers is going on right now.

Continuing from now through New Year’s Eve, the promotion will grant you hundreds of dollars off of a system of your choice. For GM fans, the options are threefold, offering $500 off of the 2007-13 pickup/2007-14 SUV TVS 1900 kits; $500 off of the 2010-13 LS3/L99 Camaro Jackshaft kits; and $200 off of the 2014+ 5.3L/6.2L Silverado & 2015 5.3L GM SUV kits.

2013-chevrolet-camaro-ss-1le-front-end-in-motionMopar fans need not fear, as Magnuson’s on-sale product line also covers a healthy variety of Chrysler models. Included are $500 off of the 2006-10 TVS 2300 HEMI kits; $500 off of the 2007-11 3.8L JK kits; and $200 off of the 2012-14 3.6L JK kits.

In sum, that’s six different ways to save some dough this Christmas, whether it’s treating yourself or someone else. Find out more about Magnuson by visiting them online or by Liking the company on Facebook.

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About the author

David Chick

David Chick comes to us ready for adventure. With passions that span clean and fast Corvettes all the way to down and dirty off-road vehicles (just ask him about his dream Jurassic Park Explorer), David's eclectic tastes lend well to his multiple automotive writing passions.
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