Finish Your Plumbing Project With Fittings From Vibrant Performance

Every vehicle has a need for fluid delivery components and there are endless applications for these parts. You need the right type of fitting to properly transfer the fluid you’re working with, and Vibrant Performance is here to help. Vibrant offers a variety of PTFE fittings, banjo fittings, push-on fittings, and oil drain flanges that will make finishing any plumbing project a breeze.

If you’re working with certain fluids or fuels, PTFE fittings might be required. Vibrant’s PTFE fittings are compatible with oil, water, coolant, air, and pump gas. The fittings will also work with alcohol-based fuels such as E85, ethanol, and methanol. You can also use these fittings in high-pressure environments anywhere from 1,000 to 4,000 PSI depending on the size of the fitting.

Not every plumbing job is going to be clean and easy. If you’re dealing with clearance issues or need a fitting with a low profile, a Banjo fitting from Vibrant should fit the bill. These fittings are available in AN, ORB, NPT, metric, and imperial styles. There are plenty of sizes available, and the fittings will work with PTFE or standard hose connections.

Are you just working on a standard automotive plumbing project? If so, Vibrant offers a full lineup of push-on hose fittings for light-duty applications. The fittings can be used with oil, water, fuel, coolant, and vacuum services.

For those with a turbocharged engine combination, Vibrant’s oil drag flanges are a great way to finish plumbing your oiling system. The flanges are made from 6061 billet aluminum. Vibrant incorporated a crowfoot opening on the flange to make installation simple.

Kyle Hyatali from Vibrant explains how these fittings will help any enthusiast finish an automotive plumbing project.

“Vibrant offers an extensive range of hose ends and adapter fittings to help you complete almost any fluid system on your vehicle. The wide variety is great because we often carry many of the niche fittings that can be hard to otherwise source. On top of that, we also provide different size and angle options to help suit any application.”

You can see all of the different fluid delivery solutions that Vibrant offers right here on the company’s website.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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