Get 1,000HP Shipped To Your Door With A BTR Short-Block

In the world of high-performance engines, precision, quality, and meticulous attention to detail are paramount. Brian Tooley Racing has built a reputation on these characteristics and is at the forefront of the industry with its state-of-the-art facility, specializing in components for the LS and LT engine platforms. In addition to engine components, the team offers powerhouse BTR short block assemblies you can have shipped to your door ready for you to complete and install in your project.

BTR Short Block

Each short block begins with a new GM LT1 or L8T block — or for higher horsepower builds choose the Dart SHP Pro iron block or Dart Skirted Aluminum block. The talented machinists prepare these blocks with CNC finish-machining processes in the BTR machine shop. Every critical engine tolerance is precisely checked and documented before the final assembly, which takes place in one of the dedicated engine clean rooms.

BTR Short Block

The short block build process begins by using high-quality rotating assembly components. These components are balanced before being installed, ensuring the ultimate performance and reliability.
BTR short blocks can be ordered in various cubic-inch sizes for naturally aspirated or forced induction engine combinations. Short blocks using the GM LT1 block are available in 1,000 horsepower-rated 376 cubic-inch packages featuring Point-One main studs, a GM LSA forged-steel crankshaft, BTR H-Beam connecting rods, and CP Bullet pistons. For more cubes you can get the LT1 short block in a 416 cubic-inch package that is also rated at 1,000 horsepower and features an upgraded Callies Compstar crankshaft. The third stock-block package uses a GM L8T iron block, Callies Compstart crankshaft, CP Bullet Series forged connecting rods, and Bullet Series pistons to create a 1,500 horsepower rated 416 cubic inch short block.

BTR Short Block

Additionally, BTR offers LS short block packages in either 388 cubic-inch or 427 cubic-inch assemblies utilizing the Dart SHP Pro iron block or the Dart Skirted Aluminum block. These packages are all rated at 1,500 horsepower and make use of Callies Compstar crankshafts and CP Bullet Series pistons. Depending on the combination, BTR assembles these short blocks with either Oliver Speedway connecting rods or CP Bullet Series forged rods.

It’s never been easier to make four-digit horsepower reliably and a BTR short block assembly gives you a proven foundation to get a head start on your 1,000-plus horsepower engine build. For more information on these and other BTR components visit their site here.

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About the author

Jeremy Nichols

Jeremy loves to go fast, whether that's on two wheels, four wheels, or boating. With a willingness to compete at almost anything, Jeremy shoots competition long-range rifles matches and races road bicycles and enjoys building vehicles for people.
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