Holley LS Fest is Coming: September 6-8, 2013


It’s almost time – in just two weeks, the LS faithful will descend on Bowling Green, Kentucky, home of the Corvette, Holley Performance Products, and Beech Bend Raceway Park for the 2013 Holley LS Fest. In addition to heads-up and index drag racing, the weekend’s activities will include an autocross competition, drift invitational, and speed-stop-steering challenge.

Off the track, there’s the engine swap challenge where two teams battle to see who can get an LS crate engine installed and running the quickest, a dyno shootout with prizes for first, second, and third place in both NA and power-adder categories, a massive show-and-shine (with an “under construction” category for those unfinished masterpieces) and swap meet, plus a ton of other activities and special events.

This year's mens' T-shirt choices...

The highlight will be the battle between the quickest and fastest LS-powered vehicles on earth, with the drag race comprising the penultimate round of LSX Challenge competition for 2013. New for this year is the Pro Extreme LSX class, a no-holds-barred 1/8th mile class that will see a wide range of different cars vying for the undisputed “quickest LS” title. In addition, heads-up racing will include the All Motor, Real Street, and Drag Radial classes, while the 5th Gen Challenge and LSX Rumble categories will give everything from trailered hot rods to true daily drivers the chance to compete on a level playing field.

For those who just want to see how quick an honest-to-goodness street driven car can be, the True Street category will take drivers on a 30 mile cruise followed by three back-to-back-to-back quarter mile passes for bragging rights. No matter what you drive, if it has an LS under the hood, there’s a way to race it at the LS Fest…


We will have boots on the ground once again this year on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to provide event coverage and shoot car features for CorvetteOnline.com and lsxmag.com, so keep an eye out for our staff and say hello.

About the author

Paul Huizenga

After some close calls on the street in his late teens and early twenties, Paul Huizenga discovered organized drag racing and never looked back, becoming a SFI-Certified tech inspector and avid bracket racer. Formerly the editor of OverRev and Race Pages magazines, Huizenga set out on his own in 2009 to become a freelance writer and editor.
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