Holley’s Fuel Cells Are Great For Any Application

If you’ve heavily modified your vehicle, or want to prevent fuel starvation at the track, a fuel cell is a good investment. A fuel cell is versatile and can be used with different types of fuel pumps. Holley offers fuel cells in multiple sizes and configurations that will work with nearly any application.

Holley’s fuel cell lineup includes tanks that are 3, 5, 10, 15, and 20-gallons in size. Each tank has been fully TIG welded and is made from 2.5mm thick 5052 aluminum. The cells are available in either a flat bottom or rear sump configuration, and they have triangulated mounting tabs for plenty of support.

The feed and return ports on the fuel cell are -10AN size from Holley. You can easily change the ORB ports to either -6, -8, or -12AN size if needed. This prevents you from having to cut and weld in new male bungs if a change is required. All of the ORB ports are welded from the inside so the fuel cell has a clean look.

Holley designed its fuel cells to be modular, this gives end users the ability to customize the cell to fit their application. The fuel cell comes with a flush-mount style cap and a fuel sender block-off plate. The fuel sender block-off plate is designed to be removed so a fuel gauge tube level sensor can be added. If you want to add an in-take fuel cell pump, the flush-mount cap can be removed and replaced with a fuel pump.

You can learn more about Holley’s fuel cells by watching this video or visiting the company’s website right here.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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