Increase Cam Control With Howards Cams New Ultimate Duty Belt Drive

Engines are filled with parts that need to work together in harmony, and that needs to be kept in sync with each other at all times. A camshaft belt system is one of the more critical parts of an engine since it ensures the engine’s timing stays true, and valves open and close when they’re supposed to. Howards Cams now offers its own take on the camshaft belt system for different types of V8 engines.

A cam belt drive delivers some pretty significant advantages over the standard timing chain setup that most V8 engines use. These cam belt drive systems provide a greater degree of accurate adjustability, and the ease of adjustability is also elevated. A cam belt drive system reduces wear and tear since it doesn’t expose the camshaft to the harmonics generated by the crankshaft. The camshaft is also more stable in the higher RPM ranges with a belt drive system.

Brian Adix from Howards Cams talks about why the company developed these new camshaft belt drive systems.

“The development for the Ultimate Duty Belt Drives actually started with the GM LS engine before we moved to other platforms. We felt that there was a need for a reliable and user-friendly belt drive system. The goal was to create a camshaft belt drive system that was durable and that could be easily adjusted.”

Howards Cams put a lot of effort into developing its Ultimate Duty Belt Drives. Each unit uses a fully rollerized thrust housing, and has been fully CNC machined. The Ultimate Duty Belt Drives offer 20 degrees of valve timing adjustment and make it easy to change camshafts.

You can learn more about the Ultimate Duty Belt Drives right here on the Howards Cams website.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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