Inside A 2,000-Horsepower-Capable Shelf Stock Piston With Diamond

With 1,000 horsepower out of a turbocharged LS combination being far more common than anyone could have ever imagined a decade ago, it’s no surprise that the combinations to make four-digit power are fairly scienced-out at this point. However Diamond Pistons has gone a step further in the process, buy creating a shelf-stock piston which in not only capable of withstanding 2,000 horsepower, but thrives in it. Enter, the LS2K series.

While the thought of a shelf-stock piston in such an application might seem ludicrous, with how common big-power combinations have become, the team at Diamond were able to identify the common features that were requested in their pistons.

“We designed the LS2K series to fit both the 15-degree and 12-degree cylinder head configurations,” says Mike Panetta, Diamond Racing’s Sales Manager. “We refined the designs by working with high level race teams across the country, and then incorporated the features into the LS2K.”

The undercrown milling is a fairly high-end feature that is done to ensure the balance between crown thickness and piston weight. With the advanced 3D milling process, they can make sure every nook and cranny of the 2618 aluminum forging is exactly the thickness (and weight) they want it to be.

With the ability with work with OEM and aftermarket cylinder heads out of the gate, the applications for these pistons are vast. Starting with a fully strutted 2618 aluminum forging, the piston has 3D milled valve pockets and underside, for maximum strength at minimum weight.

The top ring land is .280-inch down from the top of the piston, to help isolate the rings from the increased heat introduced with high boost, and the .230-inch-thick crown is ideal to withstand the abuse of 2,000 horsepower. Lateral gas ports have been incorporated to help the 1.5mm/1.5mm/3.0mm Total Seal AP rings seal.

“We’ve also used a Trend Performance .250-inch-wall, H-13 tool steel wrist pins for the ultimate in strength, and moly-coated the skirts of the pistons,” says Panetta.

Available in the range of popular LS engine bore sizes, the LS2K pistons will be an easily acquired component that once upon a time, would necessitate a lengthy lead time. In addition to making initial parts acquisition easy, replacement parts required, say due to a missed call on the tuneup, which are often needed in a hurry, are available without the racer having to order extras with the initial custom piston order, or wait six-to-eight weeks for replacements.

The LS2K piston from Diamond is yet another step in the right direction for the proliferation of extremely high-horsepower engines, It’s nice to see companies supporting the movement to make common what was once considered to be very uncommon, and as a result, making horsepower more accessible to the common man.

Here you can see the radiused crown, to help prevent detonation, the lowered top ring, along with the extra thick top ring land. There is a whole lot of testing and experience in this ring pack, making it even more impressive to find on a shelf-stock piston.

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About the author

Greg Acosta

Greg has spent twenty years and counting in automotive publishing, with most of his work having a very technical focus. Always interested in how things work, he enjoys sharing his passion for automotive technology with the reader.
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