JE Pistons Creates New Engine Dyno Competition — Masters of Motors

JE Pistons Creates New Engine Dyno Competition — Masters of Motors

There are quite a few forms of motorsports, but nowhere near as many forms of actual engine competition. Realizing that, JE Pistons teamed up with AMSOIL to create a new event that will pit engine builders head-to-head on an engine dyno. “We are excited to continue the legacy of dyno competition and to welcome the fraternity of engine builders into our home,” says JE Pistons President, Sean Crawford.

The new competition, dubbed Masters of Motors, will be held at JE Pistons’ Mentor, Ohio facility, on their R&D lab’s engine dyno. The competition will feature two classes, and be capped at a total of 25 entrants. Class rules and specifics are expected to be announced in January 2020, with a tentative event date of October 2020.

That will give competitors nine months to register for the Masters of Motors competition and build an engine to do battle with. While that might not seem like a lot of time for some, companies within the industry are very excited to be involved in the competition. “AMSOIL is proud to partner with JE Pistons to continue promoting the art of engine building and showcasing the best engine builders in the business,” said AMSOIL Product Manager, Len Groom.

Holley Performance Products, backed by its impressive catalog of companies, is also excited to see a new engine dyno competition forming. “We are appreciative of JE Pistons for taking on this effort, so we wanted to support it and the teams that want to compete,” said Bill Tichenor, Director of Marketing at Holley Performance Products.

The Masters of Motors event is scheduled to have a LiveStream video feed for those who want to follow in real-time, and we’ll be bringing you coverage from the event as well.

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About the author

Greg Acosta

Greg has spent twenty years and counting in automotive publishing, with most of his work having a very technical focus. Always interested in how things work, he enjoys sharing his passion for automotive technology with the reader.
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